Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rainbow in a Bowl

Yesterday evening I had a couple errands to run, and I was taking the kids with me. L asked if we could go to the pet store so he could look at the fish. I said sure, as he has not been feeling all too well the last few days, and had been cooped up in the house. I stressed to him how we were just looking, and would not be taking any pets home. Well, as you can see that is not how things turned out. He's really been wanting a pet lately, of the puppy variety, but now is not the time for us to get a dog. So I figured a little fish might make him happy until the time comes for us to get a dog. He was SO CUTE about getting the fish. Going on about how well he was going to take care of it, and how he loved her. Such an excited little guy.


  1. Great picture! Never seen a fish like that.
    Love the blog, would be great if you could check out mine
