Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution Time

Every year we all make resolutions at this time of year.  Do we really keep them?  I usually don't haha.  But, I'm still going to make a list of some resolutions or goals (in no particular order) for the upcoming year, and hope that I do better than I have in the past.

1.  Blog more, haha.  I used to blog several times a week on my last blog.  I've been really terrible about that on this one.  So I hope to post much more regularly.

2.  Lose all the baby weight.  Well, once she's here.  I can't wait to be able to fit back into my old clothes, and also to maybe be in even better shape.  I'd really love to get back into the shape I was in before having either kid.  I'm not sure I'll ever be able to look quite the same, but I'd love to get as close as possible.

3.  Read more.  I had a goal of reading at least 12 books in 2011, and fell short.  I know 12 books is a rather small number, nothing compared to what I used to read.  But having a toddler cuts back on reading time during the day, and then at night I am often too tired to read.  Especially since I've been pregnant.  I was on track to make my goal earlier in the year, but then I think my eyes just started getting tired out.  Maybe I need to go back in and get checked to see if I need reading glasses again for when I read a lot.

4.  Learn to use my new camera.  I got a new camera, and I'd love to be able to use it more effectively, and not just on the auto or preset modes.

5.  Eat healthier/cook more.  I don't know if these are totally the same thing, but they are definitely related.  I'm sure my husband will appreciate the cooking more part.

6.  Be a little more crafty.  And I don't mean sneaky-type crafty.  I always have all these ideas of things I want to make/do, and rarely get around to doing them.  I'd love to tackle some of the projects I have sitting around in idea folders.

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